Friday, April 1, 2011


Leftover slice of cheese pizza went as a main dish.

My post for this week's What's for lunch Wednesday. (I know the post says it was written on April the 1st....but it wasn't. I got lazy and wrote over an old post where the picture had mysteriously deleted somehow!)

But seriously. This was the only worthy lunch since the post below.

After getting home Sunday the 3rd from practice, I did all of my schoolwork in advance and packed my things to leave for an eight hour drive on Wednesday the 6th, right after school.

We went from Eastern Pennsylvania to Western Ohio for WGI Colorguard Championships (and then didn't make it to finals by half a point!). I got back Saturday night, and slept till Noon the next day (I'm sure I didn't get more than 5 hours a night at the hotel in Ohio).

It was an amazing trip, but it took a lot out of me, and that's why there have been so few posts. I'm just starting to get back into the swing of things. Expect more soon.



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Packing Lunch and Parallel Parking

The only thing they ^^ have in common is that I did both today.

  • Sliced Red Beet Egg in a Pita

  • Strawberry

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots

  • Salad

  • Fruit Leather flower cut-out

  • Tostito's chips with salsa (not pictured)

Today I had my first driver's ed session with one of the gym teachers who runs the program. I get 5 lessons total, and then I can take my driver's test with him (my six months are up April 15th!)

We ended the lesson with parallel parking, something I've never done before, and it was surprising less difficult than I thought it would be. I'm guessing it's harder when you don't have four giant orange cones guiding you.

Hopefully, I'll have my license by the end of April (fingers crossed!)



Tuesday, March 29, 2011


  • Lasagna

  • baby carrots

  • strawberry

  • grapes

  • tostito's chips

  • salsa on the side

posted to this week's What's for Lunch Wednesday :)