Still getting the hang of packing and presentation (although, to be honest, a little part of me sometimes thinks 'what's the point?' if I'm the only one who's going to see this before I eat it), hopefully things will get better as I go along.
Without further ado, Bento #2:

- Turkey and Swiss sandwich on a Wheat Sandwich Round (I love these! The only thing that gets me is that I'm the only one in the house who eats them, and sometimes the 'best by' date is only like 5 days from when I buy them! They don't seem to go bad though, so maybe this is okay?)
- More strawberries! These go quickly in our house.
- Baby carrots
- Goldfish crackers (I was sucked into the '1/3 serving of vegetables in every serving!' gimmick. So maybe I'm getting about 1/6 serving of veggies out of them here?)
- Angel food Cake as a treat to eat with the strawberries
- My favorite: veggie sticks :)