So I drew some inspiration from a childhood favorite, for a little lunch:

- Wheat Crackers (only ended up eating about half of these, eyes are too big for my stomach)
- Watermelon in a silicon cup
- Red Beet Egg
- Half a leftover hot dog over some turkey, cheddar cheese beside that
This is definitely a child-like lunch!
We're going to the market in a few hours when my mom gets off work, and so far my list is:
- Broccoli/Cauliflower (broccoli for me, cauliflower for sister)
- 1 lb turkey
- 6 Red Beet Eggs (6 for $3 at my favorite stand)
- Red Grapes
- Romaine Lettuce
- 1/4 watermelon (last Friday we got a half, and it took us all week to finish)
That's pretty much it, unless something grabs our eye while we're there. Last week we got a block of cheese, which we're still eating....Everything else we buy at the grocery store on Sundays.